The Acrobats – Figuration

Minimalist India ink drawings

Silhouette of a modern dancer drawn with India ink

From a young age I have always practiced a sport. Dance, circus, kung fu, these practices all filled my head with images of moving bodies. Since 2019, I have been setting down these images on paper, making paintings in India ink, sometimes figurative, sometimes abstract, always minimalist.

In this section I present the figurative part of the family. I do take some liberties with the anatomy, a few vertebrae are added here and there, the organs might disappear from time to time, but the body is recognizable, central.

Line art figure drawings

Elongated silhouettes, stretched limbs, everything comes down to finding the right lines so that the bodies come alive under my brush and their energy remains.

Black ink silhouettes drawings

Ink wash figure paintings

Original paintings and artprints for sale

The original drawings are for sale, feel free to contact me for more information about your favorite. Reproductions of some paintings are also available on my online store.

My research around the body in motion also leads me to create more abstract paintings. If you are interested, please visit the “The Acrobats – Abstraction” page.

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